Ayin aynin plural eye
Ayin aynin plural eye

ayin aynin plural eye

For instance, have you not noticed how the face of the shy person turns red if his sight falls on what is not suitable for him, and turns yellow when he looks at someone he fears? One of the deep and often undiscovered diseases is jealousy. Allah has granted powers to some of its creation that have profound effect on some other creations. Their eyes transform the evil thoughts into harmful rays just like the snake, which looks towards its prey and transmits poison in it, which cause its death. Some people say that when people who touch others by the Evil Eye feel evilness in their hearts.

ayin aynin plural eye

The best minds in every nation do not ignore the fact that the Evil Eye is true, although they differ on its causes and effects. Recorded cases of exploitation and fraud has force us to write on the topic of the Evil Eye for wider understanding from the primary sources. They make all possible efforts to remain secure from this nasty problem, but it still attacks them. Not only in Asia, Africa and Arabia, but also in the modern world, people of various religions are afraid of the Evil Eye.

ayin aynin plural eye

The Christian writer attempted fully to show that it is factious and is the belief of the fools and illiterates, as a matter of fact, it is discussed by the Quraan and other sacred literatures. An article published in “The Economist”, December 23rd 2006 insulted the faith of Muslims on Jinn and invisible forces.

Ayin aynin plural eye